Join award-winning journalist Robyn Curnow as she tries to understand the U.S.A. from her outsider perspective as a South African living in the American South.
As a foreign correspondent, she brings a neutral voice to some of America’s most divisive conversations about politics and foreign policy.
There's a lot to game-out for 2025, but the competition between China and America is going to be the main global tension point this year, and beyond.
Across the world we are seeing hybrid overlaps of old and new. We've got trenches and drones in Ukraine. A transactional, mercantilist new American President and a weak states in Europe.
Christmas Cheer (and Fear) this happy Yuletide! Greetings from the American South where the inflatable Santas are bigger and better and BBQ pork is a seasonal delicacy.
Listen to Hala Gorani’s extraordinary story of her great-great grandmother who was kidnapped by a one-eyed man and taken to the Sultan's harem in Constantinople as a child.
President Trump is already acting like he is already President and world leaders don't seem to mind
Biden's belated, half-asleep trip to Africa is a sign of America's weakness on the continent. (And, no doubt, a domestic distraction from answering questions about pardoning his son.)
Many of you would have seen Lynsey Addario's photographs from war zones across the world. She's won the Pulitzer Prize for her powerful images which have been published in the New York Times and National Geographic
There was a real sense of hope that the country was moving forward. In those heady days, in a Havana park, we all watched the Rolling Stones play live. How things change.